The newest addition to the HB line of rubs and spices, the Hasty Bake DANG GOOD BRINE! We created and tested dozens of recipes and this one was the constant winner. Savory, slightly sweet, with all the right herbs and spice notes you want, and an amazing tenderizing effect, it creates an incredibly juicy end product. Our brine will make your holiday turkeys and hams unbelievably good, and it's an all-purpose brine, so it can be used for poultry and more all year long!
I've smoked plenty of birds in my time, and everyone echoed the same sentiment, that the one I completed Thanksgiving 2021 was the best I had ever done. It was also the first time I used this brine. Coincidence? I think not.
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I've smoked plenty of birds in my time, and everyone echoed the same sentiment, that the one I completed Thanksgiving 2021 was the best I had ever done. It was also the first time I used this brine. Coincidence? I think not.